Catalyst Black​​​​​​​
Team battleground shooter designed for epic combat
Catalyst Black, developed and produced by Super Evil Megacorp, is a free-to-play multiplayer online battle arena video game designed as a team-based, drop-in, drop-out battleground shooter. 

Built on Super Evil Megacorp’s proprietary cross-platform game engine, E.V.I.L, Catalyst Black delivers exceptional visuals across various devices with support for precise virtual joystick controls, a console controller, and keyboard and mouse input while offering cross-platform functionality.
 • Brand Designer
 • Graphic Designer
From refinement to multiple brand marks, I collaborated with Super Evil Megacorps' VP of Marketing and in-house Art Director to create a logo package for one of their premier video games. I explored various marks and developed logos for multiple resolutions and compositions. Additionally, I developed 1-sheets, social media templates, and promotional material for the game's launch. 
Client Request
 » Clean and precise 
 » Version with text only
 » Version with icons only
 » Readable at every scale
 » Safe zone with composition designs
 » Final grayscale and value percentages
 » Final color + gradient values with HEX codes
 » Icon and favicon for readability: 16px, 32px, 64px
 » Scale and composition balancing adjustments for future style guide
 » Full Vector Logo Package: high, medium, and low resolutions with modifications to each level for maximum readability
Brand Package​​​​​​​
 • Primary Logo
 • Secondary Marks
 • Tertiary Mark
 • Typeface
 • Icons

01. Brand Marks

02. Logo Exploration
For the record, I did not create the original concept. Though I firmly believe in acknowledging the rightful creator, once I find that individual.

The following illustrates the progression from the initial concept to the ultimate primary logo. The client's directive was to maintain fidelity to the original vision while ensuring clarity and precision to guarantee legibility across all scales.

03. Colors & Gradients

04. Multi-Resolution Logo

05. Logo Package

06. Branded Assets

Website Hero

Thanks for checking out my work.
Now go and play Catalyst Black!
 Available on Android and iOS

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